Thursday, May 09, 2024


Well, things are looking up. I made a decision about the 29 1/2 show on the eighteent and: no, I'm not going to participate. I emailed director Karyn with a little fib--actually, I lied in my teeth--saying I might have to be out of town that weekend.  Interestingly, I just got an email from her and Mike inviting me to their going-away party on June 1. It looks as if they're moving to Sacramento then. 

Called Little Egg Utilities Authority to be sure I was on the right track with what I pay and what my new tenants pay. I was, sent them a email to that effect and hope that's the end of it.

Went over to the office to get the lowdown on the rental insurance thing and learned I had gotten the wrong info from the other person. It's only $131 dollars, so I called the company, paid on-line, and that's the end of it. Except it isn't: Jasmine at the office asked me to send a declaration page, so I'll have to pursue that. 

Then I was ready for the party. Suzanne took me (Ellen said she was welcome to go, too, but she didn't), dropped me off at not quite 2:00, and I went to Ellen's room (the kids get out early on Wednesdays). She cleaned up a few things and we then went to what they call "the kinder outdoor area." 

What fun it was! My retirement party at Rider was nice and memorable, but quite formal, with people speaking at the dias, and so on. Of course, that's a university and this is a kinder through fourth grade school in a semi-rural area of southern California. It was so casual and warm, and I loved meeting Ellen's colleagues; of course, they all had wonderful things to say about her. I had expected maybe a few appetizers, but there was a terrific spread that made a delicious dinner. I won't write more, but will say it with pictures (and I took about twice this many). Two colleagues read tributes to Ellen:

The buffet set up and some of the attendees:

Ellen and Debbie, who retired last year:
A free more attendees with my girl:

I love this shirt:

Ellen and the school nurse, also retiring:
The superintendent of schools and Ellen:
This is just a sampling of the many more pictures I took of El with colleagues; 

Their school, surrounded by hills and farms, is a beautiful area where Ellen was lucky enough to educate third graders for so many years.

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Weight: I was up 1.2 at home and 1.4 at T.O.P.S., to 127.6 and 128.4, respectively--no prob, I'm still within my comfort zone. The ...