Saturday, May 04, 2024


Weight: home down a pound to 124.4; T.O.P.S., down .03 to 125.2, so okay. The meeting was the usual: therapy session and general chat for most of it, then the program. I brought back what I had done last week (we had been timed out) and even so, I didn't finish, so I'll end up next time.

Home at 10:00, texted Suzanne that I was back, changed, then we went off to WinCo. I got a lot of items, including veggies: sweet peppers, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, acorn squash, grapefruit, plus frozen and canned ones-- geez, I could open a produce store. By the time we got home, it was twelve and I was starved, but didn't feeling like eating my usual breakfast of oatmeal and citrus. Instead, I made a nice omelet which included veggies.

Ate, then tackled the remaining "must do" things I hadn't finished Thursday. That included a review of nephew Dave's book, some filing, and wrangling on the phone with Amazon. I won't go into the saga, but I didn't get something and they'll reimburse me $14.99.

Ellen called on her way home from work and we chatted. Her retirement party is on the eighth after school and I'll take the Access Van there, then she'll drive me home. Mike video-called and we caught up. Vivian, at school at U. of Hawaii, is going with friends to a music thing in Alabama next week. Violet, 15, is going on a school trip shortly, which will include camping overnight and long hikes. The destination? Mongolia.  (For her grandmother, coming from pokey little Ventnor, New Jersey, it boggles the mind.)

Got an email to the effect that my review of Dave's book was accepted and will appear in Amazon's rating site. I assume Dave will be notified and see it. I lent the book to Suzanne, who likes "historical fiction." I'm not sure why I don't, but I don't. Someday, I'll have to psychoanalyze myself to find out why. 

Lib lunch with Diane today--looking forward to discussed weighty matters with her, such as our social lives, our daughters-in-law, and Stella.  

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Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...