Saturday, May 18, 2024


I was down to 123.8 at home, a loss of 1.2 and down to 124.7 at T.O.P.S, so down 1.01. The meeting was the usual therapy session, but not too bad. Sharon gave me the necklace she had made, but she picked up on the fact that I thought it was too long, so will shorten it. She's undergoing surgery next Wednesday or Thursday to tighten something or other so she can better control her urination frequency (sorry, I don't know the medical term! 😁). 

Didn't get breakfast until 10:30 and after that, I went over to Nails D' Elegance and got a badly-needed pedicure:

Went to Von's afterward for a few things; ran into Lorraine in the middle and chatted with her for a bit. As for lunch, it was almost 3:00 before I got to it, While I ate, I followed my decadent ways and watched several hours of Jeopardy. I've been a little low lately, and just didn't feel like doing anything. I've had to deal with some problems with my house, but won't enumerate them here, as I'm confident they'll be resolved before too long.

My cousin, Kevin, called and yes, they want to come visit. They now have a tentative date to arrive on June 21st, which happens to be my sixty-sixth wedding anniversary and will probably stay for four days. We had a nice talk, with Linda on speaker. Although Kevin is seven years younger than I am (and I'm pretty sure, Linda's several years younger than that), they seem to me to quintessential old-time Byrne. I mean Catholic in the old sense of "believe every word" and earthly life is just a kind of foyer to the real, eternal one. However, I'm not going to judge them or assume anything before I meet them. I will, when we get to know each other better, bring up the topic of religion and see if we can have an interesting discussion without the traditional "I'm right and you're an idiot" confrontation.      

Talked to Ellen last evening; lots going on there, too, but the major thing is, there are only seventeen days more of school! Got a text from my Manhattan (NY) friend, Susan, that she'll be back here on the twenty-sixth, and would like to get together. Good, I wrote back I'm looking forward to it. 

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Weight: I was up 1.2 at home and 1.4 at T.O.P.S., to 127.6 and 128.4, respectively--no prob, I'm still within my comfort zone. The ...