Friday, May 24, 2024


Did some business-y stuff after breakfast, such as sending my tenant's info to Sunrise Bay management and checking my bank account. I was surprised to see that about ten recent purchases hadn't yet been paid out of my debit account. Checked my wallet and realized I had been paying with one of my BOA credit accounts. They're almost exactly alike: red, with the BOA logo and everything else, except the one has "debit" in small letters. I often just pull that out without putting my glasses on, so mistook it for the debit one. No problem, but I'm not carrying that card now.

I had intended to bus to the larger Target for some of the things I like there, now that The Market--both of them--have closed. However, I changed my mind and decided to go to the one at the mall, instead. Walking from the transit center, I again changed and jumped on the 11 bus to go to the larger one. Damn, indecision is my middle name--or would be, if procrastination hadn't jumped in first. I had packed my lunch and ate on the bench outside there. 

Texted Vickie to see if Sunday was okay for her for our little social hour, but she's going to San Luis Obispo with Mary's daughters, so we'll do it later. Suzanne texted to see if I wanted to go to WinCo today, after T.O.P.S., but I'm really pretty well caught up, so declined with thanks.

Talked to Ellen and she suggested we get together on Monday, Memorial Day. The buses don't run, so she'll pick me up, we'll go to school and I'll help get yet more things done before the end of the year (and of her tenure!), then go to dinner. Of course, I'm happy with that plan.

This popped up on Facebook:

I debated with myself as to whether I want to audition. Rehearsals can be grueling and then there's getting there and back. Also, iy can go pretty late (to me, "late" is about 9 pm). In addition, a fair amount is in the wings for me this summer, including a trip to Jersey, my cousins visiting, plus my brother's children and the traveling memorial for him. Do I want to add this to those other commitments? Yeah, I do, and I'm going to give it a shot and hope I get a part.


Anonymous said...

Good for you. I’m sure you’ll be cast. BTW, I do the same thing with my cards and now I will pull the one I no longer use.

Mimi said...

Thanks for your confidence, Pat, but there's a fair amount of competition, so we shall see what we shall see (another of my mother's expressions).


Weight: I was up 1.2 at home and 1.4 at T.O.P.S., to 127.6 and 128.4, respectively--no prob, I'm still within my comfort zone. The ...