My weight went up, as I knew it would, considering I haven't been walking as much and I've fallen into the nasty nighttime snack habit. I gained two pounds, both at home and at T.O.P.S, to 125.8 and 126.7 respectively. Yes, I'm still within my comfort zone, but I want to nip this in the bud (or the butt 😁). Sharon called me just as I was leaving to report on her bladder surgery, which might be called "stop leak." Lora picked me up and, as there were only five of us, we just weighed in and left without a program, which is ever-so-fine by me. Interestingly, Lora and Lennie weigh exactly the same and to mark the occasion, I took a pic:
I actually got breakfast by 9:00, then straightened up a bit before I walked to Walmart, a store I heartily dislike, for face scrub and a few other items. I really miss The Market, just a block away, but now it's closed. I had packed my lunch and ate it in the little park-like area dividing an office complex. I've done this before, but not recently:
Bused home and not interested in doing much else, watched the rest of a James Dean documentary that was made two years after he was killed:

Incredibly, he left this earth sixty-nine years ago, in 1955 and he would be 93 today. The film is in black and white and includes interviews with his grandparents and uncle, who took him in after his mother died. Later, I watched a short video about the town--Fairmount, Indiana--where he was brought up. Okay, now I'm finished with James Dean.
Walked over to Von's and got frozen shrimp, plus a good supply of fresh and frozen veggies; also picked up a big cauliflower. Later, I spread on the mayo/parm/garlic salt dressing, roasted it, and had it for dinner.
I was charmed when Greg texted me with pictures of the salmon dish I had made for him and Ellen once. He had asked for the recipe and made it yesterday. I'm glad we're still friends.
Niece Carolyn texted Ellen and me, inviting us to both a dinner and a barbeque on two subsequent days--June 15 and 16 to celebrate Claire's graduation from high school and Finn's from UCSB. I don't think we'll go to the first, but will the barbeque and that should be great fun.
Mike facetimed me about 6:00 pm (early morning his time) and we had a pleasant talk. He was in the middle of one of his shorter bike rides: only ten or so miles, for him a mere nothing. I'm sorry that he probably won't be here in August when Violet finishes camp, but may be for Christmas.
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