Thursday, May 28, 2020


I'm beginning to wonder why the Internet was ever invented. I think the reason was TO DRIVE ME CRAZY! 
Issue 1: Try as I might, I couldn't get Zoom to work correctly. Actually, it worked fine for me--I saw myself, member number 1, but since talking to myself didn't seem like much fun, I wanted to get my friend Nancy on. She couldn't get in and I couldn't get her in.
Issue 2: I got an email from Apple saying I'd be charge $29.95 a month for Pandora Music if I didn't cancel on May 27. Yesterday was May 27. I tried to cancel and got a message saying they needed verification: name, phone number, and birth date. Birth day? Why would they  need that? Long, long story I just want to forget, so I'll just mention the upshot was I talked to Apple and I think they resolved that it was a phishing attempt.
Issue 3: I still haven't received the book I ordered on April 21 on Amazon. I contacted them after a few weeks and they said they sent a replacement. That hasn't arrived, either.
Issue 4: For several days now, I have been getting old posts on Facebook, that is, when I go to "Home," what comes up are things I've already seen or a mix of new and old, mostly old. I have no idea how to deal with this.
Issue 5: I know there is one, but I can't remember what it is.
Aside from all that crapola, I did get a good walk in. After lunch, I bused to town, walked again to The Promenade and had a fine time following along the Pacific toward Surfer's Point. I then went past the estuary and all the way to Main, then walked up  another mile or so before I caught a bus home. I figured I did about six miles, which I often total in a day, but usually don't do all at once. That felt good.
Betty called; I'll see her about noon today. Ellen also called and we talked on the bus, while I walked from there home, and later, also. The kitties are wonderful and I think their names are now Gwendolyn and Cecily (from The Odd Couple).Happily,  Ellen said she'd Zoom me over the weekend to try to teach me what I'm doing wrong.
Oh, one more "issue": I received a communication from So-Fi Apartments to the effect that I had to get renters' insurance by Jun 5. What a drag and I have no fear anything will be stolen from me by anybody aside from So-Fi Apartments, yet they insist I must.
However, all this seemed of no consequence when I remember the mysterious and beautiful place where I walked yesterday by the Ventura estuary:
It wasn't as gloomy as this looks, although the mountains toward Ojai were shrouded in mist. It wasn't as deserted, either; people were walking, biking, and being together.
I love this place.

1 comment:

Mimi said...

Just remembered the other issue with Evil Internet: I'm trying to post a Yelp! comment on this poor excuse for a management company and it won't let me. I keep getting someone else'es comment on a plumber. AAGH!


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...