Friday, May 22, 2020

Facetime And Hoboken

I had my virtual doctor's appointment, but as it turned out, Facetime didn't work for some reason, so we just did it on the phone. To say it was perfunctory is putting too fine a gloss on it. "Do you have any fever, coughing, upset stomach?" No, no, and no, and that was more or less the gist of it.
That's not really true. Dr. Jennings asked other things and I said some things, but the bottom line is, I feel fine, my blood work is fine, and I'll see--or "see"--her again in August.
I then planted my two new ivy geraniums and tidied up the patio garden a bit.  Went to the trash/recycle area to leave off a nice flower holder and some decorative balls (people leave things and pick up things there; it's a kind of informal swap mark). I met a neighbor named Christopher and we chatted. He has serious diabetes and some balance problems, although I doubt if he's over sixty.
Lunched, then walked the footpath to Kimball Park. I met Gus again, who immediately asked me if Frank Sinatra was from New Jersey. Yes, Hoboken,* and Gus then favored me with his rendition of "Fly Me To The Moon." We chatted for a bit and I also heard Nat singing "Unforgettable" by his avatar. Gus has some screws loose, I'm afraid, but I want to be kind to him.
Got to the park and was pleased to see the little library door had been repaired. I added two books and, of course, had to take this one home:

I didn't realize it was a child's book when I picked it u p, but I think I'll read it anyway. Incidentally, that scribble on the title page is actually part of the book.
Walked home the long way, so got in about four miles. Dropped off my books, then took off for town to the nursery there, hoping that 1. they were open and 2. they had better flowering plants than Green Thumb. They wren't open, so I don't know.
Ellen called while I waited for the bus. She said she and niece Carolyn, had no objection to me visiting Betty in Santa Barbara. Somehow, though, I've lost my enthusiasm for it, but I think Betty will be happy, so maybe I'll go for just a few hours.
* I can't believe it--the illiterates at Spellcheck red-underlined Hoboken! I spelled it right and it's a place, you dodos!  


iloveac said...

I had the same feeling about my first and only telemedicine visit. How much will they charge for that kind of visit...hmmm? I thought FaceTime could only be used between Apple products...maybe the MD was not on Apple...maybe it's changed now. I had my visit via Zoom. When I try to use Zoom with my DiL we have problems and we have to go to FaceTime. She has Apple as do I.

Mimi said...

You know, I don't think it's Apple products, so much as the type of phone--android or other. I can never remember what mine is, anyway. As for Zoom, my daughters and I have used it occasionally, but when I tried it with son Mike, we had difficulties. At this point, I prefer Facebook video--or old-fashioned Skype, believe it or not.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...