Friday, May 15, 2020

Patio And Park

Early on, I tackled the patio clean-up. I wanted to get rid of the table I had out there with a large succulent in it, plus tidy up otherwise. I was going to leave the table by the trash in case someone might want it, but I hit on the idea of putting it outside Suzanne's and my mutual entrance walk. I was about to text her to see if she liked it, but she came out and, yes, she likes it a lot.
I still want to add more to the patio plantings, but so far, I've got it this way:
Here's a close-up of the lavender and geranium, which add such bright color to the patio:
I  just took this, at 6:30 am, which does show very well the beautiful lavender.
At the top is the left side, then the right. I'm sorry I planted the pretty little daisies 'way over on the end, but rather than transplant, I think I'll get another. Here's a close-up of the lavender and geranium, which add such bright color to the patio:
I  just took this at 6:30 am, so the the beautiful lavender looks kind of muted. In fact, my phone/camera takes such lousy pictures, it's disappointing that the patio doesn't show up as attractive  as it actually is.
Did the footpath to the park after that, on a beautiful day. I meant to bring some books to the little library, but forgot; I'll try to get there today.  I called Betty from there; didn't mention the (non) fact that her helper had switched T.V. boxes and neither did she, so I hope she forgot about it. She called me again on my way home to tell me the light in her oven had suddenly gone on and she couldn't get it off. I'm quite sure she accidentally turned it on, but she insisted she hadn't. Anyway, she told me about calling this person and that and finally, "a  man came and just pressed a tiny button and it went off." I hope she doesn't get charged for that.
After lunch, I walked to the market for produce. Took the bus to the transit center and caught the number 10 home. Cut up two pounds of tomatoes, mixed in chopped onions and garlic, added olive oil and vinegar, plus spices and popped it in the oven. This is how I always prepare tomatoes for my daily salad. 
Ellen called about 6:00, just getting back from school. We had a good talk and she asked if I wanted her to come over on the weekend and plant the larger daisy. Yes, great, and she'll call me to set up a time. 


iloveac said...

I can taste those tomatoes....I love garlic and olive oil on just about anything.

Mimi said...

Me, too, and I cook with them a lot. Hey, Patti, maybe we're really Italian!


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...