Sunday, May 31, 2020

Sheets And Sense

Changed the sheets and did a wash in the morning. Walked over to Von's after, at which point, Betty called. This time she lost her keys, BUT while we were on the phone, she found her ring, so that was good.
Home and I did yet another puzzle--the family crest:
I put it on Facebook, but as I still don't know how to copy and save directly, I had to take a picture with my phone, "share" it to my email, then save from there. Went across to Von's for cottage cheese. I was annoyed that their sale on raw shrimp was only on Friday, and I didn't buy any.
Ellen and I connected on Zoom at 2:00. We were on for about two hours, which was such a pleasure. I saw the precious kitties; those shy little things who hid under the bed are now practically bonsai warriors, jumping up on things, rushing around, and attacking anything that isn't nailed down. One of them likes to walk on the laptop keys, which I witnessed yesterday.
My Internet carrier is crappy, I'm afraid, and kept pausing, which has happened before. El remedied that problem by asking me to mute the laptop and just use speaker on my phone. However, it also kept sending the message, "Your (something) connection is (something"), meaning I was just limping along.
As for her being able to connect to a YouTube video to show her class, we're not sure if that's going to work okay or not. I plan to call Yandoo Communications tomorrow to see if I can get my service upgraded.  
After, I bused to town. Bought a good hat--cloth, which I wanted, and a neck flap  in the back that can be lowered. Also bought two DVDs: The Sixth Sense and Jane Austen's  Sense And Sensibility*--very different genres, but I like them both. 
When I got back to the Transit Center, I went to Target for blueberries, so I didn't get home until 6:30. For some reason, I wasn't hungry, so just had some of the slow cooker carrots I had made the other day. 
At my usual T.V. viewing hour, I watched The Sixth Sense. Enjoyed it as I had years ago at the movies and this time, consciously evaluated the writing, directing, effects,and editing--all good, the last a little choppy. The acting seemed superb, but with that subject matter, what professional wouldn't be in his element?   
*It just now occurred to me both titles include the word "sense." Could that mean I'm trying to make sense of the world? Fat chance.
Note: Here's my granddaughter's science team's project. She's 15 and appears at 2:31 on the video:

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