Sunday, May 03, 2020

Puzzles And Poco

I don't think Mother's Day cards are being sold--they weren't at the stores I visited--so I chose some note cards, of which I have many and just wrote out personal thoughts for the three mothers in the family. Walked to the P.O. to mail the ones for Asia. 
On the way there and back, I saw Maggie, back at her place on the corner. I asked if I could get her anything and she said, "No, thank you." I again made an attempt to have her take her edema and other problems seriously, but she assured me her legs weren't as swollen. But they were. 
I have NO IDEA why the type above refuses to align to the left, but the hell with it.
Later, I was about to enter Von's when I got a Messenger video call from New Mexico and we had a good talk. I then went into the store to find that their butter spray supply is again gone. I did buy a cabbage and a large apple, for which I thought the sign said "99 cents lb." I paid, got home and found that I had been charged $3.47 for the one apple. Darn, I should  have checked the tape at the register. I went back to the store in great indignation--only to find that it had been rung up correctly: The apple was priced at $3,99 a pound! I took it back--maybe foolishly, but that's just ridiculous! What kind of a world is it where an apple costs $3.47 and Maggie is living on the streets? Oh, yes, I think there's a connection. 
My latest creations--or busy work: 

I also have no idea why I can't fix the spacing and alignment here, but I'm just going to give up and concede that some mysterious power is in control. Incidentally, the bottom one was shaped that way--long rectangle. It's the Ventura beach, where I go frequently, but the picture from the late eighteen-eighties. Okay, this whole damn thing is screwed up, but I can't help it.
Later than usual--about 4:00--I left for the footpath and park. (In truth, I was hung up in finishing the puzzle above!) Took two books to put in the little library, but didn't borrow any. I have about five books now I haven't read yet.
On my way, I ran into the guy who lives in the complex whom I saw the other day with his little dog. I was somewhat unpleasant, telling him I wasn't a dog person, and I apologized. Actually, it's a very friendly dog and very small, so I kind of like it, believe it or not. We exchanged names and I immediately forgot his, bur remembered the dog's: Poco. I looked it up and it seems the perfect name for this pup: "Little."

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...