Saturday, May 23, 2020


It's painful that I weighed in yesterday at 134.2.* That's five pounds heavier than at my last T.O.P.S. ("Take Off Pounds Sensibly") meeting on March 7th.  Okay, I know how this happened and I know how to get back on track and I'm going to do it.
Changed the bed and did a white wash before breakfast. After that, I spent several hours chained to this machine. I thought it would be fun to start a round robin type email to those in m y T.O.P.S. group. I put in my unfortunate weight gain and how it happened, as I well know. Got a number of responses, so I'll initiate this every Friday.
After lunch, I walked to the market and got goodies: cauliflower, broccoli, and spaghetti squash. Took a bus home. Called Betty to tell her I'd visit her next week. Called her daughter, Carolyn and we settled on Thursday. I'll stop and pick up lunch on the way and we can eat it on her patio.
Besides that, I've started a project that's going to take awhile: I'm transcribing my father's diary of 1945. It's actually a work diary, not personal, although here and there, I was charmed to see little items, such as mentioning "the twins." (We were eight years old.)
Here's the book:
And here's his entry of exactly seventy-five years ago:
Sick at home
Visited Dr McGeehan
Most entries were much longer and all but a few chronicled his work as a civil engineer. I'm proud of the fact that my father had a masters degree in the days when that was very unusual for a middle-class farm boy. But my grandparents were always insistent that their children get good educations. 
* It's actually more than that, as I weighed myself au naturel yesterday and somehow, never thought of doing that at T.O.P.S. when we met at Trinity Lutheran (heh-heh).

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...