Wednesday, May 06, 2020

Joan And Jigsaws

The usual this and that in the morning. I called my niece, Joan, just to chat and we talked a bit about the weirdly immediate acquiescence of so many to the mandates that have become, it seems, mandatory. She pointed out that these "law" are not valid unless and until they've been voted on by legislatures. Yes, but a lot of people are happy to trash the Constitution, it seems. Anyway, she sent me an email on this topic by a guy named Robert McHugh and I found it very much like a lot of those I read on-line, both right and left.
I finished the last jigsaw puzzle, which I added below AND--big news--I found that the same site will let you make any picture a jigsaw puzzle, too! I immediately picked one of my birth family and me at the Hotel Morton, where I had my wedding reception. (Except for Betty, we all look like we're at a funeral, I'm afraid.) I added that one below, too. The date? June 21, 1958.
After lunch, I wanted to try a different excursion, so I took the bus to Oxnard and Whole Foods. Just before I walked in, Gail called and we had a good talk. I was surprised to hear she had tripped and broken a rib last week. However, I understand it will heal quickly and she hasn't needed pain medication. Gail is a mere kid of 69 and is tall, slim, and very active. When I told her where I had gone on the bus, she said admiringly that I'm "intrepid." I've mentioned before that I don't really like Gail's often-expressed comments about my life style, although she means them to be complimentary.  I've spent my whole life trying to fit in and be like other people. Now I can walk the walk and talk the talk and I don't want to blow my cover.
It turned out Greg was off, so I just looked around, then went over to Target for blueberries. Incredibly, they didn't have any, so I picked up some blackberries. However, when I got to the checkout line, about thirty people were ahead of me, so I put them back.
Instead, I got the bus back to Ventura, stayed on to the transit center/mall, and went to the Target there. Got my berries and while I was there, Betty called to tell me what she had gotten in the mail.
Here are the two new jigsaw puzzles:


iloveac said...

I know what you mean about trying to fit in....I worried too much about what other people thought of me or my lifestyle took many years ...maybe 80 to finally say to myself...I am who I am and unless I've deliberately tried to offend's their problem. Now, I'm free to be me....the real me.
I love looking at your wedding photo and especially your gown.

Mimi said...

Thanks, Pat. I designed the gown and incredibly, my Aunt Gertrude made it, just following what I had sketched out. What's more, she also made my older sister's wedding gown AND Betty's. One of these days, I'll look up the picture of me full-length with it on. Believe it or not, I still have it. BTW, you may remember reading how much I like daisies; I added pictures the other day of fields of them. Note my attendants' flowers.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...