Sunday, May 24, 2020


I spent several hours after breakfast transcribing my father's diary--and I'm not even out of January. This is a more formidable job than I thought it would be, but I have plenty of time on my hands.
I did deviate a bit by checking Facebook; texting "Jesse" to respond to his offer to wash my sliding glass door; and--most enjoyable--talking to my old pal and classmate, Jeanne Painter. She called to ask about something that had to do with her long-ago divorce, but I didn't have any information on the subject. We had a good time hashing over the past, though, for almost an hour.
Did a wash--colors--and some food prep, including the spaghetti squash. I cut up my cauliflower, seasoning, and popping it in the smaller slow cooker. Instead of my usual huge salad for lunch, I just had the cauliflower. All of it.
Walked down Victoria after to get some cash at the bank. I also wanted to rent a movie (Once Upon A Time In Hollywood), and get some paper products. Annoyingly, BOA's ATMs are "temporarily not in service" and, of course, the lobby wasn't open. And Ralph's Supermarket didn't have the DVD.
As I walked down Victoria Avenue to Telephone Road, I saw the demonstrators--kind of a mixed bag--and I chatted with some. There was a church group, a young man who  just wanted to go back to work, and these four young people:
I agree that beaches and parks are essential. Most are opened here now, with some truly idiotic caveats (you can surf, ride bike, run, and walk, but you can't stand or sit). Anyway, I wished the crowd luck and went on my way.
Home by bus and I stopped at Von's for this and that, but completely forgot to get the cash. Oh, well, I'll pick it up somewhere. On my way home, I cut through the middle area and met up with a woman named Debbie. She has lived here for two years and works at some kind of finance place. She mentioned how busy she is, as everyone wants to refinance. Interest rates down to two something? I think mine for my house in Jersey is higher, although I'm not sure. Maybe I should refinance. I'll consult my financial advisor in Singapore.
Home and I continued transcribing (this is going to take forever), then got tired of it and did a few virtual jigsaw puzzles. Jumped up at 4:45, just having to get outside. Walked to the footpath over the highway and to the park, so I got in about three and a half miles. Along with my earlier walk, I certainly completed five, which is what I aim for every day. 
Got the mail and my brother, Jim, who's 94, sent me the newspaper article from June 3, 1950 in The Atlantic City Press. It's about my father's accident and includes a picture. It's a very poor copy, though, and I'm going to see if I can get a better one.


Jim Wetzel said...

I'm always cheered by seeing people out demonstrating, pretty much whether I agree with them or not. At least they're not inside, welded to the telescreen.

Also, I've seen "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood." (Don't worry -- no spoilers here.) I would warn you only that it's Tarantino, and horrifically violent here and there, especially toward the end.

Mimi said...

I absolutely agree about demonstrations, Jim. What seems to me deplorable is the inert acceptance of whatever fresh hell is served up to us. As for the movie, several people have mentioned how violent it is; if I'm not mistaken, it involves the Manson murders. I've read a lot on that horrific subject and have been to talks about it. (See my blog entry of July 27, 2019.) I'm interested in it, so like to see it. Remember, I can always shut my eyes and block my ears, which I probably will.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...