Tuesday, March 10, 2020


It always takes a few days for me to adjust to DST and yesterday was no exception. I had set the phone alarm for 6:30, but when it rang, promptly turned it off and slept for another hour. That meant I didn't have breakfast until 9:00, which throws off my whole schedule. But so what? I didn't have anything pressing to do, except some filing, which took about a half hour.
I wanted to wash my jeans, but thought I'd have to wait because I didn't have a full load of darks for the machine. Then I realized it didn't need to have that much; I could do a smallish load in my apartment washer, so I did.
I went out to take St. Patrick's Day cards to the P.O. (I send them only to the kiddies) when I ran into Chuck. We started chatting and I learned a bit about him. Actually, he's more interesting than I had realized before. He's lived here for 25 years, since his divorce--no children--and he was an engineer for the Environmental Protection Agency during his work years. I guess he's in his late sixties, or maybe older, it's hard to tell. I like talking to him; he's articulate and intelligent and, of course, I'm impressed that he had been in the Peace Corps.
We had no sooner said goodbye than Suzanne hailed me, just back from Burlingame and driving in with her new car. It's a beauty, a 2018 Toyota  in perfect condition, and I'm happy for her. Geez, maybe I should have gone into the convent.
After lunch, I took my little cart over to Von's, but 1.) I didn't find some of the things I wanted and 2.) I refused to pay their inflated prices. So, I walked to the bus stop and rode to Ralph's. I could have walked, but just didn't feel like it. Got tangerines, blueberries, and romaine, then bused back (I'm getting decadent in my old age).
Called Betty to tell her I wouldn't be coming  today, due to the expected rain, but we had a good talk. I then stopped in to welcome Suzanne back and ditto. Just went out to get the paper at 6:30 and saw that it is, indeed, raining, a rare phenomenon in these parts.


iloveac said...

Can you easily manage your little grocery cart on the bus when it's filled with various things. Does the driver ever offer to help? Just wondering. The one they gave me when I moved in here is too big (tall). I could never manage it on a bus...i.e. if we had the wonderful service you have in CA.

Mimi said...

I can easily manage, as this is a small cart. I have a much larger one that I used when I had to take laundry out; I may give that one away, if I can't use it otherwise. I've never had a driver help, but I've never needed one to, either. I think if I needed help, I probably wouldn't go on the bus in the first place. (Remember, I walk most of the time.) Pat, check your email, as I've sent you pictures of my handy little cart.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...