Monday, March 02, 2020


I'm still suffering horribly with the loss of mouse and keyboard, but am trying to be brave.
Actually, I got a lot done: Used my new washer and dryer to do whites in the morning and colors in the afternoon.The things actually work and, yes, it's going to be more convenient than the other way. After lunch, I took off for town and walked a bit. Stopped into The Coalition and found a small kind of bookcase that I decided would be just right for my CDs. Asked if I could pay for it and get it tomorrow, but they don't allow that. Politely tried to persuade them, manager was called, and she finally agreed, with the stipulation that I come get it by 10:00 am. As soon as I got outside, I called the Access Van and should be picked up at 9:03. However, they won't come back to take my acquisition and me home until 11:00. I was planning to go to the widder lunch at noon, but am not sure I can make it now. Oh, well, I'll just play it by ear.
Stopped at Target for blueberries and onions and while I was there, Betty called. We talked, I then took the bus home, detouring to Von's for cottage cheese. Once I got in, I cut up the onion and chunked the two pounds of tomatoes I had, added oil and seasonings, and popped two large pans in the oven. Called Nancy, who used to live in Arizona and we had a good talk. Shortly, we'll plan lunch for sometime this week.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...