Thursday, March 26, 2020


After breakfast, I changed the bed, washed the sheets, and re-made with the other set.
Called Nancy and we had a nice chat. She, of course, has literally not set foot outside the door since this crises began, but that isn't too different from her usual. Called Betty and ditto with her. She insisted she's "not allowed" to go out, even to walk around the block.
I thought I'd make apple sauce with  my remaining six apples, so I got out the apple peeler/slicer/corer thing I had foolishly bought a year or so again. I couldn't put the damn thing together and, frankly, I think it's more trouble than it's worth, so I re-boxed it and put it with my donation stuff. Prepared the apples the old-fashioned way by coring, peeling, and chunking myself. They just fit in the smaller slow cooker and boy, did they smell good cooking away with the apple/cinnamon perfume.
I got a message, then email from my cousin's wife, Linda, telling me of their son's tragic--well, I guess they're all tragic--suicide six years ago. I was able to find an obituary with his picture--what a handsome young man! His name was "Annan," which I had never heard of before. I thought it was Irish, but it's Scottish; however, I read there's a place called Annan in Ireland. I wrote back to her, mentioned Betty's similar sorrow, Jay, who was 31 when he died.
After lunch, I took off for Smart 'n' Final (odious name!). It was good to walk, but it was extremely windy; I had to hold my hat on. Got lettuce and the very last container of napkins on the shelf, then walked home, a total of 2.4 miles I was glad to get in.
Dropped the stuff off, then went over to Von's for grapes and a nice three-piece container of chicken quarters. I like to season and roast them, then eat one and wrap the others to freeze. Had the leftover salmon, plus cauliflower and broccoli, along with the yummy warm applesauce I had made.
Today, I am determined, if it kills me, to at least start tackling the big closet. My strategy is to do section by section and I'll start with the far end, which includes a bunch of---well, stuff.
Good grief, I just looked and it's 41 degrees! No fair!

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...