Tuesday, March 31, 2020

The Illuminati And The Virus

I texted Gail early on to ask if she'd park on Hill Street, rather than drive into the complex, and she did. We did our five-mile walk again and I greatly enjoyed it.
I'm afraid, however, that I find Gail a bit tedious. She's one of those people who have absolutely no sense of humor and, seemingly, no idea of how to judge whether to obey "authority" or make up her own mind in various situations. However, she's okay to be with otherwise, I guess, and we made a date to walk tomorrow, too. (She rides her bike on Tuesday, many more miles than we walk).
El called while we were out to tell me about a site she reads which assures us that the Illuminati or whomever, would shut down the Internet and phones sometime between April 1 and Easter. Television would work and, presumably, we'd get instructions from that. Ellen doesn't necessarily  believe that, nor do I, but if it has to do with the evil government, shadow or otherwise, I won't discount it.
Met up with Andrea and Lauren and little Brindley outside and we chatted a bit. Nancy called and we chatted for a bit. For the first time in weeks, she went outside--to the pharmacy at 8:00 am to pick up her prescriptions.
After lunch, I cut up three zucchinis I had bought at Von's on Sunday, and put them in the slow cooker with chopped onions and seasonings. I actually sat outside on the patio for a bit, reading my germ book, which continues to be fascinating.
After I went in, I was surprised to find a message on my phone from Don S., a friend of my son, Mike's. He was cautioning me to take the virus threat seriously. He added several other cautions about it and I was nonplussed; I wondered if this was a hoax or a hack. Anyway, we exchanged messages back and forth for a few minutes and the upshot was that I called him. Yes, the messages were from him, he was just concerned about me, and so on. We talked for almost an hour, mostly about Covid-19, a topic which is getting old, dammit,  However, I like Don a lot and enjoyed talkiing to him. He hasn't had the easiest life--his mother left when he was an infant--and I was glad to talk to him. Since he lives in Jersey, it will probably a long time before I see him, if ever.
Had a vegan dinner, consisting of the cabbage and apple dish, turnips, which I had prepared on Sunday, and the zucchini. Yum, yum, and I want to do this more often.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...