Monday, March 30, 2020

My Schedule And Germs

It occurred to me that I need to set a new, tentative schedule. In the old days--pre-virus--I didn't actually follow one, exactly, but often did the same things at roughly the same times. My mealtime I do follow pretty religiously with breakfast at 8, lunch at 1, and dinner at 6. (I can eat after those time, but not before.) However, I was always ready to put into motion my policy: "never turn down an invitation," if something fun came up. On regular days, though, I'd walk down Victoria in the morning and go into town in the afternoon on the bus.
Well, that's over for now, but I'll probably follow loosely what I did yesterday: After breakfast, I talked on the phone, then walked over to Von's in this getup:

(I had the mask left over from the Thomas fire two years ago.) I got lettuce, cabbage, a big, fat apple, and Dave's Killer Bread. Prepared the lettuce for my lunch salad, cut up the cabbage and apple and put them in the slow cooker, and tidied up a bit. After lunch, I took off over the footbridge and followed the same route Gail and I had on Friday, putting in roughly five miles. It was a gorgeous day, sunny and fairly warm, although the wind blew up here and there.
I had called Ellen earlier to ask about how to hand renting an DVD from Amazon and she educated me. I then called my old Sunrise Bay friend and neighbor, Susan G., and we talked for more than an hour. I was surprised to hear the exercise group was still meeting at the clubhouse--I kind of doubt  the office people are in.
I just started the following and it's fabulous; I bought when we went to Bart's Books while Patrick was here:
I was incredibly ignorant and this is eye-opening, especially HOW MANY germs are in the body. According the Dr. Tierno, "There are more germs in our bodies than there are stars in the sky, some thousand billion germs per gram of matter...the combined weight of microscopic germs exceeds the combined weight of all living animals and plants." It boggles the mind! I'm only up to the fourth chapter and can't wait to continue.
Texted Gail and we'll walk again in a few hours.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...