Friday, March 27, 2020

The Closet And The Stir-Fry And Activities In Between

It turned out to be not a bad day. I actually started on the bedroom closet, which was crammed with all manner of things. Did I finish it? HA! I didn't even think of attempting that. What I did was to clear out, then re-arrange items on about one fourth of the far end, but I made a dent in it. Here's before, when I had everything piled on the bed, and after:
Anyway, in between this, I got a text from first daughter that they were back in NM; a text from Jeanne Dollard P. about the virus; and spoke on the phone to Noreen, Betty, and Gail. She and I made a date to walk the footbridge an adjoining path this morning, figuring we'd stay six feet apart, of course. I called the Access Van just to find out if they're running and, surprisingly, they are--to doctor's offices and food stores, but as a last resort, I could request one.
I picked out my filing cabinet (from Wayfair) and left a message for Bianca, but haven't heard back from her yet about ordering and delivery. Ellen then called and asked if I wanted to go to Wal-Mart. Is the Pope..?--of course, I did, and we went. El bought a lot of stuff and so did I: canned goods, dish detergent, and--happy day--two bags of fresh spinach (Von's hasn't had any). 
When we got home, El helped me take my groceries in and we chatted for a bit. She suggested I call her when I need something and she'd go out and get it, then leave it at my door "so you don't have to go to Von's." The fact is, though, I like going to Von's. Maybe someday it will come to me having to be in all the time, but I'll deal that when it comes.
I met the new upstairs neighbor, whose name is Leah, and we had a nice talk. She's--get this--a pathology technician in the medical examiner's office--wow! She just moved in last week, directly above me, and I liked her a lot.
Cooked  up my signature ground turkey stir-fry for dinner, applesauce on the side.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...