Saturday, March 21, 2020

The Beach

Called the Botanic Gardens and, unfortunately, they were closed. I was told they may open later--I hope when our company is still here. All Goodwills are closed, also, and when I tried to call the other shops I frequent, I kept getting the message that my call couldn't go through "at this time."
Did some food prep in the morning: chopped my three large onions and stored most of it in the freezer. Cut and cooked the fresh broccoli and had that, with salad, for lunch. Cooked and otherwise prepared a spaghetti squash to have later. Trimmed and scrubbed two pounds of carrots and put them in the slow cooker with tangerines, as I usually do. Put in a load of wash and was again pleased to have the appliances right here.
El called to say she had to go into school and make copies of workbooks for her students; she's to call them and tell them to come in and get them. Texted her and her sister back in forth about plans. The health department issued an edict that people should stay away from this and that and blah, blah, blah, but--YAY! for  me and mine--it's okay to hike, bike, walk, and run in the outdoors.
So, naturally, we went to the beach. It was pretty blustery, cool verging on cold, and overcast, but we greatly enjoyed it. We walked about a mile, then back, stopping on the way to gather shells, write on the sand, and otherwise enjoy ourselves:

These are pretty dark pictures, but I don't have the time or inclination to pretty them up. We got back to my place about 5:00, where El met us. She and her sister went to Von's for take-out and Mommy and Daddy did the same, while Nana put on the silly Shirley Temple movie for Mr. K., who promptly fell asleep on the coach. We all had this and that for dinner--your hostess an elegant repast of spaghetti squash, acorn squash, and carrots, along with a frosty Corona.
After, Mom and her two favorite daughters went out for good walk around the neighborhood. When we got back, we made plans for today; we decided on Shelf Road in Ojai, a winding trail that I was on years ago. That should be so enjoyable.
Of course, I wouldn't care if we were sojourning in Camden, as long as I'm with them. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...