Saturday, March 14, 2020

Dishwasher Disaster

Once again, I was sure I had gained and once again, was happily surprised to weigh in at 128.5, down a whopping--well, is it five-tenths of a pound or half a pound? Not being a mathematician, I dunno know, but I'm fine with it. When Cheryl picked me up, I told her I had looked up her stepfather, Greg McClure, and she said she has the DVD of The Great John L., in which he starred. She'll bring it next week so I can borrow it.
At the T.O.P.S. meeting, leader Lolly led a discussion about whether we wanted to suspend meeting, at least for a time, and after we talked, everyone of the seven of us voted to meet. As I pointed out, we can always amend that later, plus if anyone is worried about it, they can simply not attend.
As usual, I was very late getting breakfast and after I ate, I noticed there was water on the kitchen floor. It was actually coming up from the seams in the floorboards. Called the office, Scott came over, looked and said it was "interesting," he called Gabe, who came in and ran the dishwasher. After this, that, and the other, he determined that the dishwasher was leaking--but not directly onto the floor, which I would noticed, but under the floorboards.
Upshot was, he took the dishwasher and will put another in either tomorrow (Saturday?), if things are dry, or Monday, if not. I'll bet a bundle it'll be Monday. In the meantime, I have no hot water in the kitchen, which is a major annoyance, but I guess I'll live. I actually washed what was in the dishwasher in the much too small bathroom sink. I'll have to look around to see if I have any paper plates.
In between all this, I called Jim C., because I had read in the Ventura Star that Ventura College, where he teaches, will go all on-line on March 23.  Incredibly, he didn't know this, and said he'd go to the college and get the lowdown. We talked about a lot of other stuff, including the opera singers' performance we'll be going to on March 27 at the library.
Also talked at length about the upcoming visit with a loved one who will be here, too. I feel a lot better after talking to her--I'm just hoping they can still come.
It rained all day! Hey, for that kind of thing, I coulda stayed in Joisey!

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...