Saturday, November 02, 2019


Weighed in at 130.4, which means I lost 1.6 from last week. I'd still like to go down a bit, but am not  anxious about it. The T.O.P.S. meeting was so-so, but I endured it okay. When Cheryl and I came out of the meeting, we saw a broad, grayish-beige swath all across the sky.  Smoke.
After late breakfast (it's always late on Fridays), I got a call from brother Jim, asking if I had a phone number for our niece, Joan. I did, gave it to him, and later, Joan called me, too. We had a long, long talk about a familiar topic. She needs to let this troublesome thing go after all these years, of course, and I think she realizes that, but she can't seem to do it.
Got another, more welcome call, and was told something was coming in the mail for me--a surprise and that's fun to anticipate.
Walked over to Von's for lettuce and it occurred to me I have an order for a blood test that was supposed to be done on November 1.  A branch of Quest Diagnostics is conveniently located in Von's, but I had eaten. Thought I'd do it today, but they're not open on weekends, so I will on Monday.
Lunch, then decided to get the black beans and other ingredients to make bean burgers. Took the bus to the mall and cut across the large campus of St. Bonaventure High School, thinking I'd get to a store I favor, but the way was barred with a chain link fence. Walked all the way back and while I was waiting to take the bus there, Betty called.  She had done what I had suggested, just went to the bus stop and waited and sure enough, the bus came and she got to church. I told her about Pat. R., Sister Gabriel, and me and she was very interested. We talked just like old times, I keep telling myself, but I know that's a lie.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...