Monday, November 11, 2019

Looking Up

Well, things are looking up.
True, I moped around for a time after breakfast, but then walked the back way to Telephone Street. Hopped a bus east and rode to the Grocery Outlet shopping center. Browsed there, but bought nothing. I used my nifty new "NextBus" app to see when the bus back would come along and it worked beautifully. Of course, the fact that my whereabouts are known to whatever entity tracks it, is disconcerting, but they're going to do it anyway.
On the way home, I called Ellen and left a message. Had lunch, did some computer stuff, then El called me back. She and Greg had been out at the Hip Vegan for lunch; he worked late yesterday. We had a good talk, partly about the trials and triumphs of third grade, which I always enjoy hearing.
Feeling better, I then took off for the mall. It occurred to me that Sears is going out of business, so I thought I'd ride up there and check out their cast iron frying pans. Did so and saw they have three such pans of varying sizes for a reasonable price. Thought I'd get them, but then tried to pick up the package--oof! I don't think I could had made it to the escalator, let alone the transit center.  I also realized that I don't need three sizes, since I have others I use often. El had suggested I look on-line, so that's what I'll do.

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