Monday, November 11, 2019

My Day And My Daughter-in-Law

After breakfast, I walked the back way to Telephone Road, then took the number 11 bus to WinCo. I couldn't get everything I wanted because some of it was too heavy, but I got a fair  amount. Bused back to the transit center, then took another home.
I had just finished lunch when Stella called. She was at the condo she owns not far from here and asked if I could go to "brunch." Now it was already after 2:00, but I guess to Stella anything in between meals is brunch. No prob, though, I said I'd go and have a beer and a nibble.
We went to a little Mexican restaurant near the mission and enjoyed it, Stella having a full meal, I had a chicken taco and a Modelo. After, we browsed some stores. Stella then asked if I wanted to go to WinCo and sure, I did. I was able to get a bag of onions, spaghetti square, a bit jar of minced garlic, all of which would be too heavy for me if I had gone by bus.
Stella dropped me off and after I put the groceries away, I rang Suzanne's bell to ask how her regional conference went. It was good, she said, and  very invigorating. I know how that is; it's fulfilling to see the colleagues you don't actually work with. I used to look forward to regional and state human resources gatherings--of course, the agenda didn't include prayers and blessings when we met.
But the most exciting part of the day was when I saw Mike's Facebook page. This article is featured in the November issue of Ex-Pat Living magazine:
Image may contain: 1 personImage may contain: people sitting, table and indoor
No photo description available.Image may contain: 2 people, including Michael T Molloy, people smiling
I sent Paula an email message, expressing my excitement and love.  Suzanne stopped in after dinner to tell me about her regional conference and I lent the article to her. She had met Paula at my eightieth (now almost three years ago!) and enjoyed reading about her.  Coincidentally, I'll be having lunch today with Carole F. and Doris T., and tomorrow with Nancy and Carolyn. All four of them  also met Paula at the party. Can't wait to show them!


iloveac said...

Super article. Super woman. I enjoyed reading it very much. Thank you for posting it Rosemary.

Mimi said...

Thanks for your kind words, my lady. (Oops--maybe I'm getting too far into Downton Abbey!)


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...