Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Onions, Sugar, And Tofu

Spent part of the morning with onions: Used my mandolin to shred two large and my Chop Wizard for two other large. Now I have two large containers in the freezer, ready for use.
I came across a truly riveting video on YouTube, which is forty minutes long, but worth every minute. It's about processed sugar, the major culprit in the obesity problem, as I've seen presented before. I eat mostly whole--that is, fresh--food, but have some processed. This prompted me to go through them and check the grams of sugar. I actually threw away three items. Here's the video:
According the the American Heart Association, women should eat no more than 25 grams or six teaspoons of processed sugar a day.  Of course, we expect sweet treats to contain sugar--it's the sugar added to other things that adds up.
Changed and caught the bus to the mall/transit center; conveniently, that were Mimi's Cafe is, which is where I met Carole and Doris. We had a good time. Hadn't seen each other except for occasional running into and I enjoyed  it. I told them what Sue had responded to my invitation and Carole suggested we see if she would meet for lunch next week in Oxnard, where she lives. I'll email her with that shortly.
Carole offered to take me home, but I refused with thanks, as I wanted to go into town. Did so and looked for a bio of Truman Capote (I'm still on In Gold Blood) and found one, but decided it was too heavy, as I wanted to stop at Target on the way home for blueberries.
Strolled Main Street, stopping in store here and there. At The Coalition, I saw young Ben (there's an old Ben), of Fractured Actors, who works there part time. I was delighted to hear him say he's still working on his play and he repeated there's a part in for me--great!
I bused back to the mall and Target for blueberries, then stopped at Von's for grapes. Cooked up a nice piece of salmon for dinner, along with lentils, spinach, and a slab of the tofu I had bought at WinCo. I hadn't had tofu in years and it tasted good. Will use it more often now.
Looked at my on-line My Heath record and was pleased to find a note from Dr. Jennings to say my blood work is now "normal, " including the hemoglobin.  I guess the iron pills did the trick. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...