Thursday, November 21, 2019

Perking Up

I'm out of my slump and feeling much better. Walked to Wal-Mart, then the 99-Cent store, then the Hill Street library and it felt good. What else felt good is that Carolyn called and later, Betty, and things seem to have settled down--at least for now.
Rain was predicted (they carry that major news in the Ventura Star) and it did, indeed, rain. I counted sixteen drops on the bus window and while I was walking, one actually fell in my hand. Okay, I'm exaggerating, but not by much.
Anyway, it didn't bother me at all. In fact, I went to The Promenade before looping back to the library. The ocean was rolling in forcefully, but incredibly, there were a few surfers. Took some pictures of the scene and here's one:
From there, I walked back to the library and got Nausea, which Jim C. had mentioned. Started reading it on the bus home and find it interesting, especially as it seems to shed light on existentialism.
Roasted a nice rock Cornish hen, cooked some onions with it, and added spinach for a more substantial dinner than I've had lately.  I had taken a vegan cookbook out of the library and am considering going vegan, at least for a time. Called Ellen and we had a good long talk, Texted Carolyn and told her I'd call Betty tomorrow to be sure the correct crises is over.
It looks as if my insomnia is, too, I'm happy to record. I slept like a stone last night and just got up at 6:15. Good thing I looked at my calendar: I had forgotten that T.O.P.S. has its idiotic covered dish tomorrow and everybody's supposed to bring something. Maybe I'll go with deviled eggs sans yolks again.
Or maybe I'll just conveniently forget I was supposed to bring something.

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