Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Blood Work And Props

Walked over to Von's at 8 to get my blood work done. That took only a half hour there and back. After breakfast, I drove to the store for blueberries. tomatoes and other things, plus a card for my younger great-grandson, T., will turns 12 on August 2.  Went to the bank to get a little something to put  in the card
Spent a few hours on food prep, including roasted tomatoes and acorn squash. While I was eating lunch, Stella called, saying she was on Kimball (Ave.) and did I want her pick me up and drop me off in town on her way home?  Now, I should have begged off and made some excuse, but I thought, oh, well, why not. She said she'd be there in fifteen minutes, so I put some of my salad back in the fridge, changed my top, and went out to wait for her.
And wait...and wait--damn! A half hour went by and she still didn't come, so I called her, none too happy. Oh, she was talking to her sister...I cut her short and said we'd have to do it another time, then took off for the bus. Next time, I'll think I'll fabricate a previous commitment.
Went to the post office in town to mail the card, then stopped at Goodwill and found a bassinet-type carrying basket. I took a picture to show Jeff, thinking maybe we can use it in the show. Just walked a bit after that and bused home.
I again watered Suzanne's patio--I guess Gordon isn't doing it, as it was dry as a bone--and picked some of my own (cherry) tomatoes. Jumped in the shower, changed, had dinner, and got ready for rehearsal, starting at 8:00--practically the middle of the night for me.
I brought some props from home to see if Kat can use them in the show. She took my grey wig, a rubber chicken, and the framed cartoon-picture I usually hang in my bathroom: a hugely-smiling girl tap-dancing while playing an accordion, with the caption: "The desire to perform isn't necessarily a sign of talent."
Boy, did that ring bell: We have a person in our play who still isn't secure in her memorization, although she has the fewest lines. Since some of her lines are my cues, I have to be alert when she garbles it. She's the only one who hasn't acted before and I have a strong suspicion she's in because she's a member of Vineyard church, where the show is being held. Besides me, she's the only one in our cast of seven who's over forty; the other five are in their twenties and thirties. But hey, that's show biz.
Didn't get home until, incredibly, almost 10. Nevertheless, I did my T.V. and fruit thing, then slept soundly all night.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...