Sunday, July 28, 2019

Paint Day And The Friggin' Internet

Busy, busy. After breakfast, I went to the store for this and that, then rushed home to change into my ragged old jeans and sloppy shirt. Got to the Vineyard, where we're having the show, about 11:00 to find a crew of fellow actors painting black with rollers the raised area that will serve as stage, the backdrops, the walls, and some of the floor.
I pitched in, but used only a brush and just did a few edges. Chatted with Kat, the props manager and her assistant, Alex, who's married to Dean (no, not an inner sex couple, Alex is female), and Becky, the only other doddering old lady besides me, plus several others. I asked Kat if she could use any of the wigs and other things I have and she asked me to bring them to rehearsal Tuesday. Shannon went out for pizza and we all had that, then broke up about 1:00. I went home to change, then took off for Oxnard on the bus.
I wanted to go to Party City for hair spray. Got white and gray, which Robyn had recommended. I'll see how it looks; if no good, I'll get Tips and Streaks on-line. Took a bus from there to The Collection and Whole Foods, where I dropped in on Greg.
While I waited for him to finish with a customer, I bought some beautiful peaches which I'll add to my store of grapes, blueberries, cherries, and watermelon, all fresh and ready to eat. Of course, I  have others in the freezer. Talked to Greg, then hopped the bus to the bus to the bus home (yes, there and back takes six).
It occurred to me that I hadn't had a proper dinner at home for a long time, and I was determined to remedy that. I cooked a nice piece of salmon, which I browned on the stove, then finished in the oven; cut up and sauteed shiitake mushrooms, and cooked some fresh spinach, which I seasoned with olive oil, lime juice, and garlic. Added a big, cold glass of iced tea and yummy, yum, yum.
P.S. AAGH, AAGH, AND AAGH! Last night, I suddenly lost the Internet and the T.V.  Called those devils from hell, Yandoo Communications (who, just, BTW, raised their fee thirty bucks a month), and their night person took the info, said he'd report it, and I went to bed frustrated. Same thing this morning and just got it back. I was told to unplug the modem and router, then plug in the former first. Because I often use this as a reference, I'm recording the "trouble ticket" number here: 2791308 and my modem number: MAC 203D66073FCB; the yellow wire connecting that the the router says "WAN," just how I felt dealing with all this. 

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