Friday, July 05, 2019

Fourth of July

Note: This is late because I just got back from Ojai and had left the laptop home.
Headed to Ojai for the Fourth parade before 9:00. Ellen and I had talked about me leaving my car at the end of the route, then she'd picked me up and take me to the beginning, after which I'd drive back to her place. Good plan, except the road was already blocked off when I got there. I drove around looking for a parking spot and found not a one. Finally, I went about a half-mile away and parked in the Von's lot.
I met up with the Ojai peace group and marched happily with them. It's a two-mile route and, same as last year, it was gratifying to hear the applause and see the two-finger peace signs from the crowd. Also, as before, it was a little tricky, but kind of fun to avoid the horse dung in the street.  (This is California, so there were lots of high-stepping horses preceding us in the parade.)  When it was over, we posed for this--that's me right in the middle behind the banner:
I then walked back to the car, so before lunch I had walked five miles, which pleased me. Got back to El's for a great lunch of green  salad with chicken salad and an icy Blue Moon. After, we spent some quality time together, talking and laughing. A few hours later, my girl proposed Margaritas under the shaded backyard portico. Would I refuse--ha! 
Greg was working until 8:00, so El made us a wonderful summertime dinner: hamburgers in an onion bun, greens and tomatoes, corn in the cob, and iced tea, followed by chocolate chip ice cream. Because I don't ordinarily eat any of those things, aside from the greens, I found the meal incredibly  delicious.
At 8:30 or so, we took our chairs and blankets and walked down the street to see the fireworks. I whined and complained about it, but in fact, once we got there, I enjoyed it immensely. Most of it was pretty standard, but it was the best finale I ever saw; not just a lot of the same set off at once, but a kind of floral work of art, with white "leaves" behind multi-colored "flowers" (or at least, I could imagine they were) hundreds of feet up in the sky.
Home, we chatted with Greg for a bit, then I turned in. I would have slept well, except for the annoying number of fire crackers that seemed to go off right under my window. Up at 7:30, got my coffee, then El made me eggs and toast. I said goodbye after that, after a wonderful day with Darling Daughter, the Younger.  
This Tuesday, the tenth, is Violet's eleventh birthday, but since the girls will be at camp (in Ojai) then, we'll celebrate it tomorrow. El will pick them up at Carolyn's and I'll come over and bring an ice cream cake and gift. Mike left gifts for her already.


iloveac said...

When I first read this I read that you had been to four parades before 9 AM. I thought-- that doesn't sound like Rosemary....I was right. I chuckled. Glad you hooked up with peace folks.
I gather you didn't feel much quaking in your area. Thank God or whoever is in charge of weather these days.

Mimi said...

Pat, I forgot to mention about the earthquake, but stay tuned: tomorrow, I will.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...