Friday, July 19, 2019

Ojai And SeaFresh

Here I am at El's in Ojai, where I spent the night.
Got here yesterday morning a bit later than usual--9:30 or so--fed S., then put my overnight things away and hung out until 11:15, when I walked the short distance to the "Lunch and Learn" program, presented by the still being build Artisan Assisted Living/Memory Care. Their motto is "Just Like Home," which I'm sure it will be, if one's home is inhabited by the halt and the lame.
The lunch was pretty standard--cheese and lunch meat on croissants, several salads, coffee, and water. This was followed by a mega-million-calorie cake with about a foot of icing on it. I was tempted, but abstained and had just a sandwich, salad, and fruit.
The info part was also pretty standard: a slide presentation of The Artisan conducted by one of the owners and the soon-to-be director. The place will have a few innovations, but otherwise seemed predictable. I found it more depressing than not, as I contemplated the category into which I seem to be relegated: old, useless, uninteresting, and looking forward only to that long, dark night.
However, I soon giggled inwardly at that--hell, no, I won't go! After, I spoke to the director about my "Acting for Amateurs" and gave her my card. She said she'd be interested in discussing it after they open. Possibly, she was being polite, but so what? When the place is closer to opening, I'll get back in touch.
Nancy picked me up early, about 3:30 and off we went to Sea Fresh for Happy Hour. Carolyn joined us shortly and we had our usual fun gabfest ("gabfest"--gawd, I must have gotten that out of a movie magazine!). The food was good (we each had shrimp sliders and salad), but the service was abysmal. Our server was about as surly and discourteous as it's possible to be and I vowed inwardly to put a negative review on Yelp.* Just one instance: I had asked, as I always do, not to get my beer until I got my food. Juan, our supposed server (I think he murdered the real one, stowed his body in the freezer, and took his place so he could get the tips) brought it immediately anyway. When I--mildly, I swear--protested, he grabbed it angrily without a word and charged off. I'm willing to bet he brought the same one back with the food, but I wasn't going to make an issue of it.
Anyway, aside from that jerk, we had a good time. Said goodbye a bit after 5:00 and Nance and I stopped at Von's before she dropped me off back at Ellen's. I'm thinking about the possibility of staying over another night; if so, I'll see if Nancy is available for an outing.
On the afternoon shift, I fed Sebastian, cleaned the litter box, and watered the plants. I gave the rose bushes a good soak with the hose, and dead-headed them. Both the white and the red are gorgeous at this point.
Slept in the guest room, as it got much cooler later in the day and I turned off the air. I'm not sure why, but I didn't sleep well. I'm chalking it up to not getting my walks in, and I'm going to remedy that.
*Here's my--I hope, scathing--review of Sea Fresh:

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...