Saturday, July 13, 2019


Went to T.O.P.S. and was okay with 128.4; stayed the same from the last time I weighed in two weeks ago. Left early because I wanted to stop at the podiatrist's and get more sponge pads for my toes.
After breakfast, I did an hour or so of food prep: sliced two pounds of tomatoes, cut up two large onions, added oil, vinegar, and seasonings and popped them in the oven. At the same time, I put an onion in and basted it with soy sauce and oil.
Walked to Von's for blueberries* Ellen called to say she'd have a little birthday party today for Vivian's fifteenth, although that isn't until the 29th. She asked if I wanted to get her something now, or wait to send it to Singapore. Decided to give it now.
After lunch, I took the bus to town, then walked to the Promenade, which felt good. I decided to call the Access van to pick me up and take me to El's this morning, also to take me home this evening. Did so and it should be here at 7:44.
Took the bus back and got off at the transit center, then walked to Target for Vivian's gift. Bused home, then drove to Smart 'n' Final for eggs and cherries. Had dinner, then showered, and wrapped Vivian's gift; also got a little additional gift for Violet.
All day, I've been practicing my lines, both out loud when I'm home and silently when I'm not. We have rehearsal at 5:30 tomorrow.
*Somebody told me the blueberry crop was particularly plentiful this year and I believe it: The price has gone 'way down most places.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...