Monday, July 22, 2019

Ojai And Rehearsal

Still in Ojai, I got up at my usual time and fed S., then myself. Did this and that on the laptop, and tidied up a bit. When I went out on the porch to water the plants, Sebastian came out. I thought Ellen had said he doesn't try to get outside the fence, but I was nervous. He immediately went over to some grassy weeds and proceeded to eat some--for about five minutes, I guess. He then settled down in the sun to take a snooze. I decided to join him--not to take a snooze, but to continue reading Sally Field's bio. Sat down and did so for 45 or so. At that point, S. walked to the door to go in and so did I.
I spent some time sweeping the porch and part of the drive, then packed up and went home.
Stopped to get lettuce and broccoli, at which point, Stella called to see when I was free for lunch or dinner at her house. She has a friend coming from Riverside and wants me to meet her. I told her I probably wouldn't be free until after Wednesday, and she'll call back after that.
Right after that, my new friend, Gail, called to see when we could walk or whatever. We decided to meet at the Aloha on Wednesday, walk The Promenade, then lunch back at the restaurant. Had lunch, showered, dressed, then drove back to Ojai to again feed Sebastian. Went directly from there to 6:00 pm rehearsal.
As virtually all rehearsals are at this stage, it was a mix of wonderfully stimulating and tedious waiting around. I like Jeff's directing style more and more. Last night, he first had us sit in chairs lined up and simply run our lines without blocking, props, or other embellishments. He stood at the other end of the room to listen. This was to check our projection; if the audience can't hear you, it doesn't matter how good the play is.
Got home before 9:00, which I appreciated. I'll drive back to Ojai after breakfast and do my chores; El and Greg are due home today, although I'm not sure when. Must do a wash, get groceries, and  otherwise catch up.     

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...