Friday, January 16, 2015


My day was about evenly divided between food prep and script prep.
I had bought a large container of chicken thighs at Shop-Rite the other day and these I oiled lightly, then seasoned with lemon pepper.  There were ten, so as I usually do, I put them by twos in zip-lock bags, labelled, and stowed in the freezer.  When I go to eat them, it's a simple matter to defrost in the microwave, then roast in the oven.  Also prepared salad for lunch, trimmed Brussels sprout, and cut up cauliflower, which I cooked in the Crock Pot.
As for the script:  I had written most of Fatal Family Reunion some years ago, but it needed a fair amount of revision, especially the third act.  I changed some names, altered dialogue, and cleaned up the presentation, which took me right up to the time I had to jump in the shower and get ready for the LETCO meeting.
Besides the H.'s, Tonya, and Aline and me, Neil G. and Trish and Albert O'N. came and we had a good session.  I presented the info I had on dinner theatre murder mysteries, but said that frankly, I was not enthusiastic about doing one at Cranberry Creek.  This was the general consensus, I'm relieved to say, and I'll call Mary Ann M. today to extend regrets.
Aside from that, we had a riotous time--fueled by excellent wine and Mary's wonderful appetizers--discussing upcoming projects, including in April, a kind of montage.  Should be fun.
Meeting Betty today for lunch.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...