Wednesday, January 28, 2015


The snow was indeed a bust and a ho-hum.  By noon, the streets were pretty clear and our driveways and sidewalks had been done. Spent practically the whole day going over a huge box of memorabilia, almost all letters from my two sons 25 or more years ago. The elder was already in Japan and the younger in California, then Hungary and other parts of Europe.  I can't bear to throw them out, so I organized them into his, his, and miscellaneous, and put them back in the box--which felt as if I had spun my wheels all day. Had a bowl of pea, then lentil soup, for lunch and followed that with a big bowl of steamed spinach, which I like better cooked than fresh.
Brother Frank called, checking to see if I was freezing in a snow drift somewhere, and we chatted a bit.  Betty ditto; I think Absecon Island got less than we did.
In between the letters stuff, I washed the bathroom rugs and cleaned the floor.  Will do the rest tomorrow.
Gave myself a respite from my labors by driving to Shop-Rite for a few things.  The place is usually jammed, but yesterday I guess everybody was convinced the snow would be lethal, so there were few shoppers.
Bought a get well card for Mary H. and sent it off.  Worked a bit more on converting my short story, ("Burning Bright") to a play. It's shaping up fairly well, but there's a lot more to go.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...