Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Busy as a Busy Bee

Took all the food out of the fridge in preparation for the repair guy and stowed it in the garage; it's colder out there than in the fridge. Guy came, examined the patient, and pronounced a defective defroster.  Cost to replace: $189.  Hey, I'm delighted; I thought the thing was on its way out.  However, the part has to be ordered and won't come in for 2 or 3 days.
Added a card and check to Joel's present, wrapped it, and took to the p.o.  Stopped at Pat's Automotive and he was kind enough to re-screw my dangling front license place.  Also said he'd buy my car when I was ready to sell it--that, though, isn't something I'll count on.
Started to cull over the DQ--not Dairy Queen, but Dionne Quintuplet--collection, of which I have a humongous amount. Packed up some in a flat rate box ($12.55) and sent it off to Ellen. I'll be sending more and ask that she just stow it in her garage.
Went to Staples and was pleased at my treatment.  First stamp I ordered has too-small lettering; didn't have to pay and they made me a better one.
Stopped at the library to invite Aline for dinner, but she had Chinese she didn't want to keep a third day, so she'll come today.
Made the chicken/red potatoes/string bean dish and put it in the oven.  Yum, it was delicious, although the string beans didn't get cooked as well as I like them, so will boil them tender later.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...