Saturday, January 10, 2015

Lunch and LETCO

Betty was delighted to take a lot of the items--clothes, jewelry, scarfs and socks--that I want to let go.  The rest I'll pack up and donate to the thrift store.
We had a nice hamburger lunch at Calloway's and it came in at almost exactly the same as the Women's Club gift certificate I won: $29.74; I just added a tip.
The domino game at the D.'s was postponed, as Barbara is still sick, so I was able to go to the Little Egg Theatre Company (LETCO) meeting at the H.'s last night. Picked Aline up and besides us and the H.'s, Tonya and Bob N. (talk about your dysfunctional marriage), and Desi came. With Ellen V., who wasn't able to come, that constitutes the board, as far as I know, but these things are fluid.
Amid a nice spread of appetizers and copious amounts of Cabernet Sauvignon (the H.'s is the only place I'll drink red because they don't buy the cheapies my friends and I do), we had our usual long and noisy session.  I brought up the request that we do a dinner theatre murder mystery at Cranberry Creek, mentioning my own Fatal Family Reunion (really not bad as these things go, but it still has to be tweaked).  Nothing was actually decided, but I was charged with coming back to a meeting next Thursday with mine and two others to present and discuss.
For some unfathomable reason, Desi brought up the idea of inviting an opera singer from New York to sing show tunes with our member, Kevin B., at St. Teresa's and/or the Alliance Church.  What?  As Jim pointed out, we can't partnership with a church; for one thing, we'd lose our grant possibilities and for another, the pastor might very well veto it.  Can't imagine what Desi was thinking.
Aside from the preceding, we batted around all kinds of ideas and suggestions, some of which might come to fruition, but--ya never know with LETCO.   
Hey, considering our vagueness and indecision, that could be our slogan!

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