Sunday, January 11, 2015

My Forever Job

Continuing what I fear is my forever job, I packed up two more boxes of Dionne material to send Ellen. I was mightily annoyed when I got to the post office and was told one of the boxes wasn't flat rate one. What?  I had asked about that specifically last week and was told it would go for a flat rate. This was a different clerk, so I'll keep it packed in the original box and ask again on Monday.
Also packed up a large box of glasses and other tableware to donate to the thrift store.  Took that, as well as a lot of jewelry, including thirty-plus pairs of earrings.  Ran into Irene C., a slight acquaintance.  She knows I'm active in the theatre company and wondered if her son, who sings and was in Les Mis, could be in the next production.
Well, how should I know?  Damn, I don't feel like acting as an agent; if people are interested in an activity, they should have the initiative to pursue it themselves.  I did.
Just called Irene and said I'd let her know what, if anything, is decided at our meeting on Thursday.
Stopped at Wal-Mart to pick up a few things, then rode to the Shop-Rite in Waretown.  I just indulge myself driving that far (the SR in Manahawkin is much closer), but I'm listening to a murder mystery in the car and wanted to continue.
Last evening on impulse, I Skyped Tokyo about 7:30 pm and was lucky enough to catch a few minutes of precious baby.  He looked adorable in a preppy-type pullover, navy blue with chevron-like appliques.  P. said Uncle Mike and Aunt Paula and the girls had sent it, but it arrived only yesterday--four months late.  Oh, well, it fit him beautifully.

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