Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Ice and Stoup

One of my greatest fears (just after going blind and dropping out of the sky from a plane) is falling.  Yesterday morning, happy the rain had stopped, I started over to Susan's at 7:00 and was horrified to realize there was a slick covering on the street and some of the sidewalk.  I waited on my side for S. and we ventured on, walking on the grass strip to avoid slippery parts.  Careful though we were, when I stepped off the curb to cross the entrance to the clubhouse, I slipped and almost fell.
That was it.  I apologized to Susan, but turned back.  S. is no fan of invisible ice, either, and she went with me, both reaching our front doors with no further incident.
The iciness had, of course, melted later when I drove to Shop-Rite for this and that.  Annoyingly, my hazard lights came on and I couldn't get them off, even when I turned off the car.  I pulled over and tried all kinds of pushing and pulling and turning and cursing where the directionals are, but no luck.  Stopped at Pat's Automotive and the guy just pressed a button on the side of the steering column.  Damn, I'd better start reading that manual.
Got an e-mail from Mary H., asking LETCO members what they'd like to do for our April show.  I wrote back, but oh, no, will not reveal the content of my message--it would spoil the joke.
Spent a lot of time polishing silver, in preparation for e-mailing pictures of my treasures to the consignment place.
Made a big salad and, with a bowl of that yummy lentil stoup,* had it for lunch.
* "Stoup": soup/stew

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