Thursday, January 01, 2015

End of 2014

Picked up Aline at 9:30 for breakfast at Dockside; we both had cheese omelets.  After, I took her to Rite-Aid--she has a cold and wanted to get cough syrup--then dropped her off at the library. Went from there to Acme, which was jammed, and picked up tiny pumpernickel squares, whipped cream cheese, roasted peppers (pimentos), and deviled ham.  Later, I made little finger sandwiches with the stuff, adding basil pesto to the ones with ham.
Took my car title to the safety deposit box, went back to Acme for plain yogurt (I'm convinced it's good for the gastrointestinal area), and did some wash.
I was delighted to get a Skype call from Mike.  He and family are still in Sydney, where it was 2015.  Talked to V. and V. and had a nice visit.
More videos from Tokyo were added to Google + and I laughed out loud at the one with Mr. K. repeatedly going into a closet and pulling the door closed.  Of course, his parents made a great show of being very puzzled and wondered each time where in the world he was; they expressed amazed relief when he popped out.  This game--universal, I'm sure and maybe little children a thousand years ago played it--made K. absolutely crow with delight just as my children did.    
The party at Tonya's was moderately fun.  I went over a bit after 7:00 and stayed two hours.  I had the vague idea that I'd stop into the improptu party at our clubhouse after, but decided against it.  I just don't like staying up so late; as it was, I didn't get to bed until after 10:00 and for me, that's practically the middle of the night.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...