Thursday, January 29, 2015

An Okay Day

Received from my Florida brother, Larry, a copy of the draft of a letter my father wrote in 1935 to a former employer.  He mentions "an addition to my family."  Yes, that would be my brother, Frank (California), who marked his 80th birthday last week.  Called Larry to thank him and we had a nice talk.  Later, I typed out Daddy's letter and sent it as an attachment to my sibs. Got a nice e-mail back from brother, Jim (Virginia), who remembers that era.
Aline called and we caught up with each other.  She suggested we go to breakfast today; I'll pick her up at 9:15.  In the afternoon, I went to the library and saw her there.
Other than that: continuing on with my clean-out.  I went over an enormous number of papers--literary ones, that is, ranging from my religious period (pious poems and essays), to my college years (various papers, almost all of which I threw out), to my years of employment at Rider (a few shows and other writings), to more recent Players & Playwrights and LETCO (lots of  material, some of which isn't bad).  Weeded a bunch of them out and stored the rest. I was chagrined to find yet another container of Dionne Quintuplet material; I had thought I sent all to the west coast.  I'll go through this, though, pack it up, and send it off.
I bought a bag of shredded cabbage and carrots the other day and yesterday, put together a dressing for it; found the recipe on line, of course. Incredibly, that's the first time in my life I ever made Cole slaw. It's okay, but the next time, I'll jazz it up a bit and will shred my own cabbage and carrots.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...