Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Smithville One

Picked up my pal at 11:00 and we went off to Smithville.  Toured the shops for a half or so, then went to Lighted Lantern or Lantern Lights or Lighty Looney or whatever the hell it's called--the formerly-named Fred and Ethel's,* for lunch.
Had a Dogfish beer--outrageously overpriced at six bucks--with my chicken sandwich, but both were good.  We ate in a leisurely fashion, then walked over the "boardwalk" across the lake and Aline said she'd like to treat me to an ice cream cone--double dip. Of course, I was shocked and chastised her for even suggesting...
Yeah, sure, let's go.
Talk about outrageously overpriced: These were $4.75!  Whatever happened to the ten-cent cone?  (Guess it went the same way as 20K signifying you made a comfortable life on which to raise a family.)  However, we ate our cones sitting in the warm sun--and coolish breeze--and it was good.
My friend was coming to install my new hair dryer (on the wall), so we left about 3:00.  Stopped at the library where we dropped off our checks for the upcoming fund-raiser by "Friends" of same. Aline stayed to go on the computer and we said goodbye.
Friend came about 4:00, put in the dryer, then we chatted happily over a cup of tea, plotting and planning our joint move west.  She offered to drop off some containers and foam "peanuts" so I can pack up more things to sell at the flea market on Saturday.
Funny:  I'll be back at Smithville today--this time for the Women's Club luncheon at the inn.
*For the uninitiated: The name did not stand for the fictitious Mertzes, of I love Lucy fame, but for Fred and Ethel Noyes, who founded Smithville--quite recently, too, less than fifty years ago. (See my post of March 24 about our visit to the Noyes Museum, which they also founded.)

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 Down a tad (.02) to 127.2 at home and a tad more at T.O.P.S. (.07) to 128. Meeting was so-so, consisting of each of us reading a paragraph ...