Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Another Table

Although the table mentioned yesterday is only four feet long, it's good and sturdy, and I decided I'd go to the Mays Landing Target and see if they'd sell me one for the 6.99 price.
They wouldn't.  Even pointed out a disclaimer on the brochure saying they aren't responsible, etc., etc.  Decided to buy it anyway, and did.
As long as I was there anyway, decided to call Betty to see if she was available for lunch, but she was going out for dinner, so declined.  Chatted later, anyway.
Went to the Dollar Tree and B.J.'s over there and picked up a few items.  Home, I made a big salad and had it for lunch.  After, I galvanized myself to actually weed the front--partially--so at least, it looks marginally better.
Aline called and we firmed up plans to go to Philly on the train today.  We'll take the 9:02, so we'll have plenty of time there.
Got an e-mail from nephew Rob that he'll take me up on my offer to have him and his Jan overnight the week before the wedding in upstate New York (or thereabouts).  I then realized Mike will be here, too, but no problem: I'll put them in my room, M. in the guest room, and I'll sleep on the pull-out in the study.
Got an evening call from that little scamp in Japan, one of the most energetic, curious, into-everything little sweetie pies I've ever seen. He couldn't be more active and alert and is so cheerful and smiley, I just want to pick him up and hug him.  When will I be able to do that?  


iloveac said...

Rosemary, what do you do when you get off the train at 30th st? Cab? Bus? Walk?

Mimi said...

Just got home and am too tired to write much. Please see tomorrow's blog entry and I'll fill you in about Philly. Thanks!


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...