Saturday, May 17, 2014

Players & Playwrights and Simon & Garfunkel

(Note: Occasionally, I write up a day's entry the evening it happens, as a draft, then modify it the next morning.  With this one, I accidentally clicked "publish," so it has the wrong date. It should be listed as the entry for Sunday, May 18.)
Susan's back from Canada and we walked at 7:00, natch. Showered, dressed, and was out the door by noon for the Players & Playwright's meeting in Ventnor.
It was kinda sparsely attended.  We discussed the stipend for the new dramateur, John P., then "read" Mary Whatsherface's "play." That's in quotes because it was her usual incomprehensible garbage. Just to illustrate, I played a bulldog, half of whose skull was torn off in an illegal fight.  It went downhill from there.
However, there was, of course, a solemn discussion and critique, as if it made sense.  Okay.
I was also picked to read one of Joe's plays.  I always enjoy his, maybe especially considering he's 93.  He actually writes better than a lot of us, although, sadly, he said he had to dictate this one--can't handle the keyboard anymore.
The new guy came in and we did the first act of Linda's play (I didn't read for this).  It was tedious, about a Jewish woman dying of cancer and how her husband wouldn't buy her a new vacuum cleaner even though they had white wall-to-wall carpeting.  Other characters were a nurse and a sister, who would, we learned later, pick up with the husband when the woman croaked.  This turkey was called Wall To Wall White.
There was a lo-o-o-ng discussion about this one, too, and Linda will go back and work or it or something.
We stayed a little late and I went after to The Christmas Tree Shoppe to try to get an inexpensive metal folding table, but they have them only on-line and you have to pay postage, which I don't want to do.
Didn't get home until almost 7:00.  Cooked up an acorn squash and had that and more of the pork roast for dinner.  Listened to a fair amount of Simon and Garfunkel; the latter will be at the Borgata in July and maybe I'll ask Aline if she wants to go.
Or maybe not.

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 Down a tad (.02) to 127.2 at home and a tad more at T.O.P.S. (.07) to 128. Meeting was so-so, consisting of each of us reading a paragraph ...