Friday, May 02, 2014

SCOSA And Hitler Youth

As planned, picked Aline up at 9:00.  We had a leisurely egg breakfast at Dynasty, then I dropped her off at work in Manahawkin. Picked up my meds at Wal-Mart and about ten pounds of chicken leg quarters--my faves--at Shop-Rite.  Oiled and seasoned, then popped them in a hot oven when I got home and yummy-yum-yum.
Did some housework and got the two wicker chairs onto the porch. I'll ask Susan to help me get the matching love seat out.
Talked to Betty about meeting Frank for lunch next week.  I really don't feature driving, but hope to be able to get public transportation, maybe to Delaware.  Betty doesn't seem to mind driving, but her car is in bad shape; would we make it?  Also told her I'd go down today to help her pack for her move to Coffin Alley.
Asked Judy K. to borrow her folding table for the flea market and will get it the day before.
Received a brochure from the Stockton Center On Successful Aging (SCOSA) about a "festival" for seniors at the college on May 13.  It included a listing of workshops at the college, covering a few months and I was taken aback that mine on employment was not included.  E-mailed the person I had been in touch with, and she assured me this was the "summer/winter" brochure and mine was in the "spring/autumn" one.  What?  Isn't June in the summer?  That doesn't make sense to me.  Plus, I never got an earlier brochure; was it sent out?  I did see information on my workshop on the web site, but still--.  Think I'll ask Anita if flyers will be available at the festival about June sessions.
In any event, I called to sign up to attend on May 13--got a recording from "the arthritis foundation"; the sponsor.  Will call again today.  Think I'll ask Anita if I can bring flyers on my workshop--or if it will be publicized there.
WIDER:  Hitler Youth, anyone?

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 Down a tad (.02) to 127.2 at home and a tad more at T.O.P.S. (.07) to 128. Meeting was so-so, consisting of each of us reading a paragraph ...