Saturday, May 17, 2014

Roast Pork And Rob

On my way out in the morning, I stopped at the clubhouse to exchange the b/w poster on my employment workshop for one in color.  Ran into Barb H.; she and Ray are leaving today for France--lucky ducks.
We chatted and I mentioned my brother was on safari in South Africa.  She said she'd be afraid to go to Africa, so much violence there.  I said people in other countries are afraid to come here, citing the gun deaths and so on, and that led up to "this is the best country on earth."  Now, which of us do you suppose said that?
Yes, but in no context, compared to nothing at all, she just feels it in her heart, she said.  You can't have an adult conversation after hearing this, so I just demurred a bit and we parted.  Sigh... Barb is a former nun, maybe that explains it.
Continued on to pursue a lot of stuff and had a productive day. Stopped at two thrift stores, The Home Depot, Wal-Mart, and K-Mart looking for an inexpensive, lightweight folding table, 6 or so feet long, to use for subsequent sales.  All the stores had folding tables, and all were forty bucks or above; what's more, I could barely lift, let alone carry them.  Looked on-line later, and found a light one for twenty bucks at the Christmas Tree Shop.  Great, I'll stop there today after the Players & Playwrights meeting.
Also got hand towels, tomatoes, and other stuff.  I was proud of myself for seeing snazzy "lounging pajamas" I would have liked to buy, but uh-uh, I don't need them and they stayed on the rack.  
Got home just in time to miss the heavy downpours, which started about 1:00 and went on throughout the day.
I roasted a Smithfield Garlic & Herb pork sirloin, vacuum packed, I guess you'd call it, for dinner, and boy, is it good.  (The only reason I'm recording it here is because I want to serve it the next time I have dinner company.)  Had a baked apple with it--not too shabby, Mimi.
I was pleased to get a message from nephew Rob W., way out in--Arizona?--saying he and his lady friend would be coming east in June, and are going to Jeremy's wedding.  Wrote back saying I'd love to meet Jan and hope they can stay with me for a time.

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