Saturday, May 10, 2014

Flea Market Prep

Spent most of the day packing up flea market stuff and hauling it into the car.  I have so much stuff the trunk and all seats except driver's are covered almost to the roof.  Roman-down-the-street lent me his folding table--unfortunately not very large, and I got that in, too.
Called the New Egypt Flea Market to see if I could possibly rent a place there and will see the manager on Monday.
Went back and forth via e-mail with the people organizing the Stockton Center For Successful Aging (they couldn't think of a longer name and fer cryin' out loud, what is "successful" aging? And what would "unsuccessful" aging be?) program on Tuesday. It's annoying that I responded and left messages twice (to the Arthritis Foundation; not sure why they were taking the calls), to register for both Aline and me.  I was called back and told them again, even spelling Aline's name--yet the guy from SCOSA didn't have her name. Oh, well, I gave it to him via e-mail.
Other than that, did a lot of stuff on the computer, mailed some things at the p.o., talked to a few people on the phone, and went to the library.  Several neighbors were outside diligently weeding and planting on that first nice spring day, and I guess I should have been, too, but I wasn't.
Let's hope I make lotsa money today or--more to the point--get rid of some of my stuff.

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 Down a tad (.02) to 127.2 at home and a tad more at T.O.P.S. (.07) to 128. Meeting was so-so, consisting of each of us reading a paragraph ...