Thursday, May 22, 2014

Kathleen And The World Trade Center

A "work" day.  That is, I finally tackled a bunch of stuff I've been neglecting for however long.  Changed the bed; did wash; returned several e-mail messages; finished paperwork and took it to the p.o. to get a tracking slip; got corn pads at one store, a timer (for the two classes I'm doing) at another, and groceries at a third.
By the time I got home, it was past 3:00 and I spent time pulling weeds out front.  Got a few calls, including from brother Frank.  I had notified him about the death of Kathleen Dumas, yet another old St. Jamesian gone.
Kathleen was such a pretty girl when she was young, but time and life's trials got the best of her.  As she aged, she got thinner and thinner; she wore lots of heavy makeup and lots of curly curls.  I'm afraid she looked something like Bette Davis in Whatever Happened to Baby Jane.  She had an odd, flat voice with little inflection and she talked a lot, on and on in a kind of desperate way.  I felt so damn sorry for her.  She had lived in Ventnor, that small town at the shore, since she was born and from what I know, had a sad, disappointing life. Three daughters, but there were problems there. However, Danny was devoted to her and I have to believe they had some good times, too.
Happily, I'm looking forward to good times myself:  Am leaving tomorrow morning to go north to see the boys--yay!  Heard from my Wellspouse friend, Vivian, and we made a dinner date for next week. The day before that, I'm driving up to Cherry Hill for a visit with my sister-in-law.  My friend, Pat R. and I firmed up plans for a trip to the Noyes Art Garage in Atlantic City in June.
A not-so-welcome "date" is Dine Around for next month.  I forgot I was scheduled to arrange it and damn, June is already crammed with activities.  Judy called to remind me, then told me Claire Whatshername has August and has already "reserved" Cuisine on the Green and another restaurant nearby.  That doesn't mean it's arranged, only that she's thinking about contacting them.  What? Since when do you have to defer where you might have gone because somebody else might possibly want to schedule her month there?  So annoying.  Well, I'll stop at Romanelli's Garden Cafe to see if I could have mine there or possibly, Smithville, one of my favorites.  Yes, they're farther away, but so what?  If I can't get one of them, I'll call Claire to see if I can contact G on the G. after all. What a drag (grumble...grumble...grumble...).
But how idiotic to complain when I got four new videos of the Tokyo Tot cruisin' around, so full of curiosity, energy, life, and exuberant baby smiles, it makes me happy just to see him.  I'm a lucky woman and what's more, I know I am--a great boon during this span of existence.   
WIDER:  Speaking of this span of existence, some have theirs cut short.  Here's a quote from a riveting piece about the new World Trade Center museum: "vulgarity with the noblest intentions."  It was written by the brother of one of those killed that day.

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 Down a tad (.02) to 127.2 at home and a tad more at T.O.P.S. (.07) to 128. Meeting was so-so, consisting of each of us reading a paragraph ...