Monday, May 12, 2014

Mother's Day and Eugene Fitzsimmons

A very lovely Mother's Day.  Betty got here about noon and shortly thereafter, we took off for northern climes.  Ellen called to wish me Happy Mum's Day halfway there; poor thing, she was sick in bed.  I thanked her for the beautiful flowers and we had a good chat.
Got up there fine and Betty was wowed when we were shown around the RV.  So was I, although I had seen it before.
I was given a beautiful card and a very imaginative gift: season-long membership in Henry Wright Lake.
Now that's what I call a gift!  Much more agreeable than flowers I'd have to plant.  I love getting cut flowers (although I don't want my children to be held up by the highway robbery they cost), but I haven't gotten outside to weed, let alone plant.  We stayed a few minutes chatting with The Couple, then the four of us took off for Rancocas, to Lisa's house.    
We had an exceptionally nice, low-key time.  Aside from us, Dale and Betz were the only other guests and we enjoyed a tasty summer meal--separate salads of chicken, fruit, broccoli, and cole slaw, along with iced tea/lemonade, rolls and homemade cookies--much better, it seems to me, than some elaborate meat-centered spread. We talked convivially until after 6:00, then took off.  As soon as we got back to my friend's house, Betty and I drove home.
Got home and heard a message from Irene Fitzsimmons.  I had called the family after seeing the obit of Eugene.  He was a St. James classmate of brother Larry and Jack B., then went into the priesthood and became a monsignor.  I had called to tell Larry and Jack the news.  Now I returned Irene's call; she and Margaret Mary live together and their younger brother, Tom, is a priest in Sea Isle City.  We went on speaker and all five of us chatted.  The Fitzsimmons parents had been friends of my parents--one of those Ventnor connections that are never broken.  We hope to meet up with them sometime soon.
Must rush off to a mammogram appointment.

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