Thursday, January 09, 2014

Fine Day

A fine day.  I picked up Aline a bit after 12:00 and suggested we go to Cuisine On The Green at the Atlantis Golf Club, to which she happily agreed.  We no sooner walked in, then we saw Frank D. and Desi. Chatted with them for a bit, then Aline greeted two friends of hers, Diane and Pat, whom I had met before. The four of us sat down together and ate.  
Diane has an 89-year-old father whom, she said, has always been a mean drunk. She has no siblings, so is his major caretaker.  Luckily, he lives a distance away in Jackson (with a live-in aide), but calls constantly--the day before, six times.
Pat is a former singer who once lived in Libya (husband, oil) and who is probably my age at least, but quite stylish (nobody has ever accused me of that).
We had a fine time together and stretched out lunch to about two hours.  Then I took Aline back to my place and she "heard" me do my lines for Hedda.  As noted yesterday,  I have my prompt lines recorded, but it's always better to have a live person feed them to you.
Showed her video and still pictures on Google of precious little K., over which she oohed and aahed.  She thinks he's adorable and I have no argument with that. Took her home about 5:00, then called Betty, who had told me earlier in the day that pipes had frozen in her house and flooded some of it--aagh!  She won't be home until next week, so hopes her guy, Dave, and his men will finish cleaning the place up by then.
At 6:00, went to the library to attend an e-Book tutorial conducted by one of my biblio-pals, librarian Arlene.  It was mildly informative, but I think I'll take advantage of the one-on-one session they offer.
Must take my car in at 8:00 and fervently hope the cost (or replacement) for the thermostat isn't too horrendous.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...