Sunday, January 05, 2014

Ibsen And The Internet

Got the bio of Ibsen at the library--good grief, it's what used to be called "a doorstop," it's so huge.  Looked up and annotated the passages about Hedda, but started reading it from the beginning and find it absorbing.  Ibsen seems to have been an odd, twisted character himself, but I'm getting insight on his personality and thereby, on his plays.
Went to B.J.'s for provisions and looked at televisions.  Now I can't decide to get one that fits in the armoire(?) the old one is in, or jettison it and get a larger one, either to hang on the wall or put on a stand, which would necessitate another expense.
Home, I cut up garlic and onions, diced them, and put in refrig for dinner.  Made a salad, and had it for lunch with more of the bean soup I made the other day.  I used the microwave and it didn't make that noise, but last night, it did--aagh!
Got an invitation to my great-niece's wedding, which is in April.  How I wish I could go, but it seems very unlikely at this point.  It's so expensive and New Zealand is so far.  I'd love to see it, but just don't think I can swing it, financially or stamina-wise.
Found yet another performance of Hedda on YouTube, this one with Diana Riggs, who played our girl as practically a sociopath, cold and mean. Very different from both Bergman and Shaw, a circumstance I find intriguing.
Got a Skype call from Mike in the evening and greatly enjoyed it, although he has a tendency to nag.  (I forgot about getting Wi-Fi, so must do that tomorrow, otherwise, my new Tablet is essentially useless, he tells me.  Sometimes I wonder just how much of a boon the Internet actually is.)
Vivian and Violet were their usual chatty selves, vying for attention and being adorable. Violet got a Furby (Firby?) for Chrismas, an ugly, doll-like thing which talks and actually interacts with her iPad in all kinds of amusing ways.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...